Thursday 28 January 2016

Timothy Cook's Special Day, by Marco

On 24 August 2011, in the state of California, Timothy Cook was having a bad day. For some peculiar reason, he had woken up on the wrong side of the bed and, to make matters worse, he also had to arrange a meeting between Bill Gates and Steve Jobs.

Three hours later, not only was Tim stuck in a traffic jam running late for work (Apple HQ), but he was also caught up in a storm, and so when he got out of the car, he got his expensive suit all wet and hence had to change clothes. It was crystal clear that Tim was having a really bad day. He had the feeling that everything was going wrong and that made him frustrated!

Later that day, Tim eventually reached the Apple headquarters afraid of what the CEO, Steve Jobs, would say about him being one whole hour late. To his surprise, Steve was cool, calm and collected; he just asked Tim where he was and Tim had to explain everything from the very beginning. As the talk continued, Steve announced that Tim had been chosen to become the new CEO of Apple, backing u his bold decision by saying to Tim that he was too old and, in addition, he had recently been diagnosed with a disease - cancer, making him too frail to continue working. After long consideration he came to the conclusion that the most suitable person to take his place was Tim! Tim remained speechless and couldn't believe that he was about to take over such a big and important company.

Afterwards, Jobs and Cook celebrated such a historical event at the Apple HQ office, with a glass of wine and some music. For Tim, it had to be the most important day of his life.

[This is not a news article, but a story of realistic fiction.]

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