Tuesday 7 March 2017

Animals in Circuses, by Maria

Recently, a matter of public interest in our civilized world has been whether the exposure of animals in circuses means exploitation and inhumane treatment or not. This matter has given rise to much controversy between the proponents of circuses and animal activists.

It seems to me that performances in circuses are exciting and fabulous. When I was a child, I anticipated attending a show including magicians, dancers, acrobats, and, of course, animals. More specifically, people of all ages benefit from their visit to a circus as they can enjoy this fascinating experience. Therefore, the chance to see from up close a variety of animals doing extraordinary tricks and performing dangerous feats, is indeed, for us all, an amazing spectacle. It goes without saying that our admiration for these animals is unquestionable. Having said that, it must be conceded that families turn up in circuses by no means having the intention to exploit animals or laugh at them.

On the other hand, innocent wild creatures are held captive, deprived of everything that is natural and important to them. For this reason, most of them feel depressed, since they are kept in cramped cages instead of living free in the wild. Particularly wild animals are born to hunt and run long distances following their natural instincts. By default, the practice of captivity means violation of their rights. Unfortunately, not only are animals kept imprisoned, but they also endure unethical and atrocious practices so as to train hard and give a good performance in circuses. More often than not, they live under unhealthy conditions with absence of veterinarian care and are even starved to death when they have stopped being able to meet their trainers' expectations.

In conclusion, wildlife belongs in the wild and not in captivity. It appears to me that such shows exist to offer profit to the circuses' owners and that this practice is stripped of consideration of the animals' dignity and respect to their existence. By all accounts, the participation of animals in circuses is a form of torture, which is a sad truth the fans of circuses - who keep booking seats in the front row of such shows solely for their entertainment - are obviously unaware of. It would be prudent that the exposure of animals there be abolished altogether.

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