Wednesday 8 March 2017

Voting Age, by Maria

Nowadays, a matter of public interest is the appropriate age at which an individual is legally permitted to cast a ballot in elections. Given that this age differs from country to country, this issue has given rise to a great deal of controversy in many societies.

In my view, the ideal age at which someone is probably mentally capable of voting responsibly is that of 21 years old and above. It seems clear to me that a person under the aforementioned age has not developed their critical skills yet. In some countries, including ours - Greece, youngsters at the age of 18 are permitted to vote. To my mind, this section of the population mainly consists of individuals who are impressionable, careless, and impulsive owning to their youth, and this is why it is unacceptable to let them determine the future of a country, as their ultimate decision may be affected by their immaturity. On the other hand, a person at the age of 21 and above, who studies in a university or has a job, is much more likely to keep abreast of current affairs and hence more suited to forming an impartial, sound judgement while selecting the politicians who will represent not only himself but the entire nation. By having knowledge of the job market, he is obviously more efficient to make a wise choice in elections.

As far as I am concerned, the factors that may affect the age limit of voting include: completion of the secondary education, awareness of public affairs and intellectual maturity. As I have already mentioned earlier, acquiring education is vital for all member of the electorate in order to be self-conscious while opting for a party in elections. The intellectual maturity stemming from introspection is an essential factor for a voter. It is quite clear to me that if one does not have these qualities, he will never be able to make a responsible choice in the elections.

All things considered, the population of a country is highly affected by the outcome of the elections. It is crucial for the members of the electorate to vote without illiberality but according to the economic and social issues of their country combined with circumspection of our welfare. To the end, it is my firm belief that the voting age threshold should be raised from 18 to 21 years old.

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