Tuesday 9 February 2016

Letter Giving Advice on Weight Problem, by Marco

Dear sister, 

Thanks for your letter and I'm sorry I haven't written for so long; I've been busy with my schoolwork lately. I've got some good advice on what you asked me earlier, and I'm writing to help you solve this problem of yours and lose weight.

I've also gathered lots of info that will help you lose weight, but for these pieces of advice to work, you'll need to make a habit out of them. First of all, I'm sorry my suggestions won't satisfy you, but I think it's for the best. Rule number one: no more cakes! Since you tell that the main cause of your gaining weight is cakes, I suggest you exclude them from the menu. Another great rule that you should take seriously is to consider eating fruit as snacks rather than cakes and sweets. In my opinion, the following suggestion is equally important: have a good breakfast. If you have a proper breakfast, you will avoid eating snacks during the day.

If your workplace is not too far from your apartment, I believe it's a good idea to walk or cycle to work. If you add this to your daily routine, you will be burning calories every single day. Finally, you should go to the gym once in a while or take up a sport, such as running, cycling, etc. 

That's all for now. Hope you achieve what you want and that my advice helps you do so.

Best wishes,

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