Friday 6 November 2015

Convenience Food, by Danae

Nowadays there is no denying that people do not have enough time due to their demanding jobs, so they prefer to consume convenience food instead. Convenience food may be much easier to prepare than cooking from scratch, but it cannot be denied that is has some disadvantages as well.

First of all, people prefer precooked food for the reason that they do not have enough time to cook because of their tight schedules; for instance, it is ideal for businessmen and university students looking for time-saving solutions. Needless to say that it is cheaper than buying all the ingredients required for home-cooked meals such as vegetables, fruits, fish and meat. In addition, convenience food requires little preparation, often some heating in the microwave, which - as its name suggests - proves very convenient and practical.

On the other hand, when consumed on a regular basis, convenience foods are very harmful to people's health mainly due to their high concentration of preservatives and artificial substances. Not knowing much about the origin or quality of the convenience foods' ingredients means that we also lack information about the nutritious value of precooked meals.

According to doctors and dietitians, it is imperative that more people adopt a healthier diet, including more vegetables, fruit, homemade meals, and a lot of water. They should replace fizzy drinks like cola with a glass of fresh juice or water. Moreover, they should cut down on eating hamburgers, chips, and precooked meals.

All things considered, if people keep eating junk food or precooked meals regularly, they will eventually face health problems.

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