Wednesday 4 November 2015

The Mysterious House in the Woods, by Marco

One cold and stormy night, a man was driving to his house. The rain was pouring down and there was thunder and lightning.

Suddenly, the car's engine stopped working. After multiple attempts to start the car, the man decided to walk. "Oh no" he yelled. He walked several thousands of meters hoping to find a phone booth or even shelter to spend the night.

Minutes after walking in the woods, he heard dogs barking and wolves howling. After half a mile he saw a little house in the middle of the woods. He hurriedly got closer and knocked on the door. The door opened by itself making a creaky noise, and a scary voice said "Come in" and burst into an evil laugh!

The driver started screaming and ran away. As he was running, he heard a creepy music coming from the house. He got such a fright that he slipped and fell into a puddle of mud. When he turned around, he realized that the house had disappeared in a blink of an eye. When thunder clashed again, the man woke up in the middle of the night in his bedroom next to his wife.

The next morning, at his office, he went to see his boss and when he knocked on the door it opened by itself making a creaky noise and the same scary voice said "Come in".

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