Wednesday 28 October 2015

A Letter about a Scary Adventure, by Ernesto

Dear George,

I hope you're well and that everything is OK at home and at school. You won't believe what happened to me last Monday.

My friends and I decided to go to an old sanatorium in Athens because we wanted to scare ourselves. The weather was terrible; it was pouring rain and there was lots of thunder and lightning. We walked along the gravelly road; it was cold and dark and the dogs were barking. We heard an eerie music coming from the sanatorium.

We knocked on the door of the sanatorium, but no one opened the door at first. We tried to get in and eventually succeeded, but the door was creaky and so someone heard us. Suddenly, we heard a scary voice saying "New patients at last", we got so scared we fled. While we were running out of the building, we heard an evil laugh!

Well, that's my story. I feel very lucky I survived such a scary adventure and the same goes for my friends! Thank goodness we ran so fast! Otherwise, our story might not have had a happy ending. Have you ever had an adventure like this? Please write and tell me about it.

Take care,
Mad Max

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