Sunday 25 October 2015

Mobile Phones, by Marco

Nowadays, there is a growing trend for children, especially high school students, to own a mobile phone, either a smartphone or an iPhone. However, possessing a mobile phone is not always a good thing.

While it cannot be denied that it is not good for children to have a mobile phone, it is also true that doing so can sometimes prove beneficial, even life-saving! For example, in case of an emergency you can call your parents or someone for help. Another great benefit of mobiles is that when a young student is at school and their parents are not in the area, they can track their child during the school day and instantly communicate with them when necessary. Probably the greatest advantage of mobile phones is that throughout the day you can educate, entertain, and inform yourself!

On the other hand, this entertaining and pleasing device hides great dangers young people are not aware of. It is common knowledge that mobiles phones emit radiation which can cause problems to children. For example, a child that overuses their phone can start having frequent headaches or, worse still, end up having cancer. Additionally, they might start neglecting their school work as they tend to spend more time than usual texting, playing games, or watching viral videos on their mobile phones. As a result, children may not be able to properly perform at school and their grades will eventually suffer.

Whichever way one looks at the issue, it is true that having a mobile phone in your possession is advantageous, but one should use it well and wisely, so that they do not end up facing any health or school performance issues.

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