Thursday 26 November 2015

Extended Families, by Danae

Dear Editor, 

I read the article about extended families. An extended family refers to a nuclear family that lives with other close relatives of different generations under the same roof or very close - in the same block, for example. I am writing to tell you my opinion and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this issue. I am of the opinion that living all together is not a good idea because the drawbacks outweigh the benefits.

To begin with, it is such a difficult thing to live under the same roof with other people of different ages because it may cause trouble. Older people need more rest during the day; on the other hand, kids and people of younger ages are more active. Their quite different lifestyles are bound to come into conflict sooner or later. For instance, younger people want to listen to loud music anytime during the day, while their parents or grandparents long to find some peace and quiet and relax in a tranquil environment.

Nevertheless, when living in the same place or in the same block of flats with your grandparents, uncles or aunts, it is also true that if you ever need some help, they will be there for you. For instance, if you have not got enough time to go to the bank to pay the bills, they may do it for you. Of course, they may contribute in many other ways such as by cooking or doing the household chores. In addition, one of the most significant benefits is that you find yourself in an emergency situation, they will be there to give you a helping hand.

Considering all of the above, it is clear to me that families should weigh out the pros and cons of moving in with relatives before they make up a decision. 

Yours faithfully, 
Danae Robertson

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