Thursday 5 November 2015

My Preferred School Trip Destination, by Marco

Every school has its needs and mine is no exception. If we, the students, had the chance to choose our school trip destination every month, we would enjoy our trips more than ever. I, for one, would like to mention that I would prefer to go to the planetarium rather than any other place, because it can educate children, including my classmates, about phenomena that happen in space through a big 3D screen or an OCULUS RIFT.

The planetarium is a huge building that has a big variety of equipment such as telescopes and 3D screens that can help people of all ages understand many things about space phenomena, which have to do with the galaxy, the solar system and astronomy in general. It is located in the center of Athens, Greece and it has many science and astronomy-related games and, in addition, it has many encyclopedias either online or as books that you can buy along with some apps such as solar walk or star walk. So suggesting this kind of school trip destination would not be a bad idea!

What's more, there are many reasons why I think such an idea would be beneficial to the school. It would not only educate and inform us about space, but it will also be very exciting to see and experience all the kinds of technology that are used in spaceships and if we are lucky we may be able to enter a spaceship model. Furthermore, this educational school trip will teach many things to students and teachers alike. More specifically, students will learn from playing the games or watching the documentaries available, while the teachers will do so by purchasing new encyclopedias.

To sum up, if the school council decides to take full advantage of this opportunity, students and teachers will be able to witness incredible things about our galaxy.

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