Sunday 10 January 2016

The Internet, by Maria

Nowadays, a point at issue in our civilized world is the importance of the Internet along with its positive and negative aspects, both of which should be taken into account.

First, it would be worth mentioning that numerous benefits have been provided by the Internet as an unlimited source of information, a significant medium of entertainment and an inexpensive means of communication.

The Internet can serve educational purposes by providing people with a wealth of information on any subject under the sun. For example, language learners can easily search for information using a great variety of online dictionaries. In addition, students can have access to digital educational programs. Needless to say that teachers also often resort to the Internet so as to gain knowledge on their subject matter or teaching methods.

It is commonly accepted that the Internet is a popular medium of entertainment. For instance, downloading music is a favorite occupation for individuals, regardless of their age, gender or nationality. Moreover, playing online games is considered as an amusement that brings classmates, friends or relatives together.

Another positive effect of the Internet is its usage as a means of communication. It connects people from all over the world at the simple press of a button. The potential of applications such as Skype, or social media like Twitter and Facebook, is fully realized only when one considers how much they have facilitated the communication process with our loved ones or with long-distance friends. Additionally, this important means helps connect employees, manager and customers for professional purposes in a more efficient manner.

Despite the many advantages, the drawbacks of the Internet should not be ignored. The addiction to the Internet is a current matter that should be carefully considered. Not only teenagers but also adults often lose track of time while chatting or playing games for hours on end. The excessive use of the Internet, especially by students, has raised controversy between them and parents. Of course, students had better study so as to perform better at school, instead of being glued to online games and sometimes staying up all night. But the Internet conceals another significant negative aspect. Some crooks use cunning methods with intention of stealing bank account details from chat users thus committing identity theft.

Taking everything into consideration, it is clear to me that the benefits of the Internet outweigh its drawbacks. This invention has made communication easier and cheaper. If we avoid giving personal information and use it in moderation, we shall reap all the benefits of the virtual world while at the same time avoiding its dangers.

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