Sunday 31 January 2016

Children in TV Shows, by Maria

Nowadays, a point at issue in our civilized world is whether young people should take part in live talent shows on TV or not. Over the years, these shows have received quite a bit of criticism. On the other hand, they are still very popular. There is a growing trend for people to participate in TV shows, regardless of their age.

Reality or talent shows seem to be ideal for individuals who like to make an exhibition of themselves. Also, the prize appeals to people as most of them face financial or unemployment problems; it goes without saying that winning a music talent show may be a springboard for someone's career. Admittedly, youngsters are also impulsive, keen and spontaneous - traits that account for their belief that their participation in a TV show will fulfill their dreams. More specifically, they can feel encouraged by this distinction and be motivated to perform better.

On the other hand, it is common knowledge that the exhibition in a TV show conceals negative aspects, particularly for youngsters. Unfortunately, there is only one winner in each TV show. The more vulnerable a youngster is, the more frustrated he feels upon such a failure. The acceptance of defeat requires maturity and teenagers are too susceptible to handle an unsatisfactory outcome from their participation. But there are drawbacks for the winners, too. These lucky ones must adapt to a new way of life with many obligations. For instance, they must work for long hours either recording a CD, or having a rehearsal for TV shows and concerts. They may be alienated by their friends or loved ones. As a result, they are always under a great amount of pressure.

To sum up, the world of entertainment needs new artists and this is why these shows are rocketed to the top of the ratings. However, it is my firm belief that youngsters should be allowed to participate in them only as long as they pursue a balance between career and personal life. They must also be protected by the corrupt TV producers and their intentions of exploitation.

Thursday 28 January 2016

Timothy Cook's Special Day, by Marco

On 24 August 2011, in the state of California, Timothy Cook was having a bad day. For some peculiar reason, he had woken up on the wrong side of the bed and, to make matters worse, he also had to arrange a meeting between Bill Gates and Steve Jobs.

Three hours later, not only was Tim stuck in a traffic jam running late for work (Apple HQ), but he was also caught up in a storm, and so when he got out of the car, he got his expensive suit all wet and hence had to change clothes. It was crystal clear that Tim was having a really bad day. He had the feeling that everything was going wrong and that made him frustrated!

Later that day, Tim eventually reached the Apple headquarters afraid of what the CEO, Steve Jobs, would say about him being one whole hour late. To his surprise, Steve was cool, calm and collected; he just asked Tim where he was and Tim had to explain everything from the very beginning. As the talk continued, Steve announced that Tim had been chosen to become the new CEO of Apple, backing u his bold decision by saying to Tim that he was too old and, in addition, he had recently been diagnosed with a disease - cancer, making him too frail to continue working. After long consideration he came to the conclusion that the most suitable person to take his place was Tim! Tim remained speechless and couldn't believe that he was about to take over such a big and important company.

Afterwards, Jobs and Cook celebrated such a historical event at the Apple HQ office, with a glass of wine and some music. For Tim, it had to be the most important day of his life.

[This is not a news article, but a story of realistic fiction.]

Teens on Vacation, by Marco

Vacationing is often a matter of conflict between parents and teenagers. I am of the opinion that teens should be allowed to go on vacation without their parents, but with their friends instead, for many reasons.

To begin with, teenagers will have an unforgettable experience with their friends that may give them a chance to stand on their own feet. They will become more responsible simple because they would have to take care of themselves and others. For example, they will have to do the laundry by themselves, learn how to spend their money wisely and, most importantly, teens will learn how to cook on their own.

What is more, while on vacation, teenagers will surely have a very good time, because they will be able to do whatever they want including going clubbing, going to the beach if there is one, and going for walks without the supervision of their parents. As they have a great time all together they will build stronger bonds and learn to get along with one another. As a result, they will make a great team and become more united.

To sum up, teens should definitely go on vacation with their friends in order to learn things from this unique experience to have fun and, above all, create wonderful memories that they will cherish throughout their life.

How I Spent the Holidays, by Marco

Dear cousin, 

Thank you very much for your previous letter and I am very sorry for not writing to you sooner. I lost track of time because of the monthly school projects and tests. This time, however, I'm writing to tell you how I spent the last religious holiday, Christmas.

As ordinary holiday-makers, my family and I had to decide where and with whom we would spend the holidays. In the end, we spent Christmas Day here with the whole family. Everybody was thrilled to bits! We opened our presents, exchanged hugs and kisses and ate turkey for dinner. Everybody said that the food was great! My grandma was very happy about that because she had prepared the food.

The next day we had to pack our suitcases and go to my grandmother's home town, Karditsa, where we spent the night. We eventually left Karditsa and spent three nights in a cozy chalet in a picturesque village up in the mountains of Elati. There, we made new friends and exchanged phone numbers. We spent New Year's Eve with the family in Karditsa and had a great time all together! On 4th January, we returned to London where I started studying hard for school and my language lessons.

So that's all for now. Please tell me how you spent Christmas. 

Best wishes,

Sunday 10 January 2016

My Preferred School Trip Destination, by Danae

Every school has different needs and mine is no exception. In my opinion, the ideal place for an educational trip is an aquarium because this excursion will give us the opportunity to see the many different kinds of fish from up close and learn some interesting facts about them. Having said that, this trip will also be recreational and enjoyable.

To begin with, an aquarium is like a hallway surrounding huge showcases full of water. These tanks do not have only fish, but also other sea creatures: for example, sea mammals such as seals, whales and dolphins. The tanks look like their natural habitat in the ocean. In addition, there are screens showing documentaries about marine creatures and explaining facts about each species.

What is more, this trip would be not only educational but also very interesting for children as they would learn about the sea creatures' environment, behaviour and daily diet. Moreover, through this trip, children would raise their awareness about the problems these species may have and about environmental issues as a whole. 

To sum up, I believe that an aquarium is the best destination for a school trip since through this experience children would gain valuable knowledge about fish and their natural habitat as well as unforgettable moments to cherish in their lifetime.

The Internet, by Maria

Nowadays, a point at issue in our civilized world is the importance of the Internet along with its positive and negative aspects, both of which should be taken into account.

First, it would be worth mentioning that numerous benefits have been provided by the Internet as an unlimited source of information, a significant medium of entertainment and an inexpensive means of communication.

The Internet can serve educational purposes by providing people with a wealth of information on any subject under the sun. For example, language learners can easily search for information using a great variety of online dictionaries. In addition, students can have access to digital educational programs. Needless to say that teachers also often resort to the Internet so as to gain knowledge on their subject matter or teaching methods.

It is commonly accepted that the Internet is a popular medium of entertainment. For instance, downloading music is a favorite occupation for individuals, regardless of their age, gender or nationality. Moreover, playing online games is considered as an amusement that brings classmates, friends or relatives together.

Another positive effect of the Internet is its usage as a means of communication. It connects people from all over the world at the simple press of a button. The potential of applications such as Skype, or social media like Twitter and Facebook, is fully realized only when one considers how much they have facilitated the communication process with our loved ones or with long-distance friends. Additionally, this important means helps connect employees, manager and customers for professional purposes in a more efficient manner.

Despite the many advantages, the drawbacks of the Internet should not be ignored. The addiction to the Internet is a current matter that should be carefully considered. Not only teenagers but also adults often lose track of time while chatting or playing games for hours on end. The excessive use of the Internet, especially by students, has raised controversy between them and parents. Of course, students had better study so as to perform better at school, instead of being glued to online games and sometimes staying up all night. But the Internet conceals another significant negative aspect. Some crooks use cunning methods with intention of stealing bank account details from chat users thus committing identity theft.

Taking everything into consideration, it is clear to me that the benefits of the Internet outweigh its drawbacks. This invention has made communication easier and cheaper. If we avoid giving personal information and use it in moderation, we shall reap all the benefits of the virtual world while at the same time avoiding its dangers.
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