Tuesday 9 February 2016

My Favorite Gadget, by Ernesto

For all the people I think gadgets have changed our lives for the better. Nowadays, technology is advancing rapidly and now you can find gadgets for almost all uses. My favorite gadget is my mobile phone and it's very important to me.

My mobile phone is important to me because I use it every day for my school work. For example, I use it to find information for projects and to get more exercises so as to practice for school subjects I'm having trouble with, like Maths.

In addition, I use my mobile phone to call my friends - for example, to plan a hangout. I also listen to music on it, I play games, and I surf the net.

All in all, I am of the opinion that the mobile phone is very useful in my everyday life.

Ernesto, 13, Greece

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We are happy to announce that Ernesto passed the ESB B2 exam (May 2017) with merit, getting very high scores in the Speaking and Listening sections. Huge congratulations, Ernesto! We hope it's onwards and upwards from here!

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