Tuesday 9 February 2016

Restaurant Review of The Green Dragon, by Matthew

The Green Dragon is a new Chinese restaurant in London. The decoration is simple and welcoming. The staff are friendly and cheerful.

The food is absolutely fantastic! The menu is varied and you can choose fish, pasta, meat or sushi. The restaurant isn't expensive. A meal for two costs about 40 euros.

I would recommend The Green Dragon. The food is excellent and the atmosphere is very relaxing. Visit the Green Dragon for a taste of China in London!

Raising Awareness of the Dangers of Smoking, by Marco

It is a well known fact that the number of young smokers all over the world is increasing at an alarming rate, even though most of them are not aware of the detrimental effects this can have in their lives. This is why teenagers' awareness regarding this matter must be raised.

Adolescents' primary source of information about the harmful side-effects of smoking is their own family. From a very young age, family members can teach children how unhealthy and harmful long-term smoking can be. They could refer to various examples of its detrimental effects including stress, coughing and even lung cancer! Parents also have to set a good example first by not smoking themselves. After all, as they say, "Actions speak louder than words". As a result, teens will at least know what the severity of their actions

Another big source of info from which teenagers can learn about smoking is school. There, they can be educated by doctors and scientists the head teacher could invite, ask questions openly and even participate in surveys or projects about smoking. Consequently, they will be able to witness real case studies of patients who have been long-term smokers.

Last but not least, the media can play an equally important role in raising youngsters' awareness of the dangers of smoking. Adolescents can easily read scientific articles and see many medical videos online, so they can be warned against this harmful habit.

To sum up, there are countless sources of info on the detrimental effects of smoking available to teens. In order to become more aware, one should find the source that suits them best.

Letter Giving Advice on Weight Problem, by Marco

Dear sister, 

Thanks for your letter and I'm sorry I haven't written for so long; I've been busy with my schoolwork lately. I've got some good advice on what you asked me earlier, and I'm writing to help you solve this problem of yours and lose weight.

I've also gathered lots of info that will help you lose weight, but for these pieces of advice to work, you'll need to make a habit out of them. First of all, I'm sorry my suggestions won't satisfy you, but I think it's for the best. Rule number one: no more cakes! Since you tell that the main cause of your gaining weight is cakes, I suggest you exclude them from the menu. Another great rule that you should take seriously is to consider eating fruit as snacks rather than cakes and sweets. In my opinion, the following suggestion is equally important: have a good breakfast. If you have a proper breakfast, you will avoid eating snacks during the day.

If your workplace is not too far from your apartment, I believe it's a good idea to walk or cycle to work. If you add this to your daily routine, you will be burning calories every single day. Finally, you should go to the gym once in a while or take up a sport, such as running, cycling, etc. 

That's all for now. Hope you achieve what you want and that my advice helps you do so.

Best wishes,

Help! Dinner with my Favourite Celebrity, by Marco

Dear sister,

As you know, last time I gave you advice on school-related problems, and I believe it's now time for you to return the favour.

I've just won a competition the prize of which is a dinner with my favourite celeb. I feel very excited about winning the competition, but, on the other hand, I'm worried sick about the actual dinner. First of all, do you think it would be a good idea to dress up? I'm thinking of wearing a suit and bow tie. What's more, if you were in my shoes, where would you take this person for dinner? To the best of my knowledge, celebs like going to posh places.

To make matters worse, I still haven't decided yet whether or not we should go dancing afterwards. What are your suggestions? One more thing, I'm not sure what to discuss with this person, so could you please come up with any ideas? I really want to avoid slurring my words and feeling embarrassed.

Please let me know if you have any advice to give me. Hope you write back soon. Looking forward to your advice. 


My Favorite Gadget, by Ernesto

For all the people I think gadgets have changed our lives for the better. Nowadays, technology is advancing rapidly and now you can find gadgets for almost all uses. My favorite gadget is my mobile phone and it's very important to me.

My mobile phone is important to me because I use it every day for my school work. For example, I use it to find information for projects and to get more exercises so as to practice for school subjects I'm having trouble with, like Maths.

In addition, I use my mobile phone to call my friends - for example, to plan a hangout. I also listen to music on it, I play games, and I surf the net.

All in all, I am of the opinion that the mobile phone is very useful in my everyday life.

Ernesto, 13, Greece
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